Understanding Tire Date and Manufacturing Codes

When it comes to maintaining your vehicle, knowing how to read tire dates and manufacturing codes is crucial. These codes provide essential information about the age and specifications of your tires, which is critical to ensuring your safety on the road.

What Are Tire Date Codes?

The tire date code, also known as the DOT code, is a series of characters that indicates the tire manufacture date. It’s essential because tires degrade over time, even if they aren’t used.

Locating the Tire Date Code

You’ll find the tire date code on the sidewall of the tire. It’s usually preceded by the letters “DOT” and consists of up to 12 characters. The last four digits of the code represent the week and year of manufacture.

How to Read the Tire Date Code

The first two digits of the four-digit sequence represent the week of manufacture, and the last two digits represent the year. For example, a code ending in “3219” means the tire was manufactured in the 32nd week of 2019.

Importance of Knowing Your Tire’s Age

Safety Concerns

Older tires, even if they look new, may pose safety risks due to the hardening of rubber and the potential for tread separation.

Replacement Recommendations

Replacing tires every six years is generally recommended, regardless of their appearance.

Additional Tire Codes

Besides the date code, tires also feature codes that provide information about size, type, and performance characteristics.

Understanding Size and Performance Codes

These codes can tell you about the tire’s width, aspect ratio, construction type, and diameter.


Understanding tire date and manufacturing codes is vital for the safety and performance of your vehicle. Regularly check these codes to ensure your tires are in good condition and replace them as needed.

For more information and assistance with your vehicle’s tires and maintenance, visit Albion Auto in Bolton, ON, or call us at 905-857-8413.

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mike perrotta