Maintaining Your Vehicle for a Safe and Reliable Ride

As much of North America, Bolton, ON included, is limiting travel and working from home, vehicle care doesn’t end. Suppose you have concerns about a vehicle not being ready when you need it for grocery trips, medical appointments, or other essential travel; automotive repair shops, including Albion Auto Service, ARE open during this Covid-19 crisis. Keeping you and your family mobile is a legitimate concern, and contactless processes allow for services to be performed and payment while implementing social distancing.

Vehicle lead acid batteries will lose charge at 2-8% per month. This rate increases as temperatures rise. If your battery is already weak, there is a good chance your vehicle will not start if you let it sit for an extended period without beginning and allowing its charging system to maintain the battery. Ifea, if you know your car will be parked, a trickle charger is a great idea.

Rodents love the shelter of a vehicle that has not moved. And no car is completely impenetrable. Some insurance plans will cover rodent damage, but you will still be out deductibles, and the time you do not have your vehicle. The AVERAGE to repair chewed-up wiring in a car is 00, sometimes creating ,000 in damage! Rodents love to create havoc with wiring, insulation, and upholstery. Wiring issues can render your vehicle unable to be driven and are the most expensive damages. What can you do? Some natural rodent repellents include cotton balls soaked in peppermint, cayenne pepper, or clove oils. Some have had luck with shavings from strong deodorant soaps, like Irish Spring. Cedarwood chips and laundry dryer sheets are additional items you may have around the house that can deter these destructive little critters. If you suspect you have had rodents in your vehicle because of new, unpleasant odours, droppings, claw marks, or suddenly having issues with your car, please contact us immediately at 905-857-8413.

Vehicles locked up for days or weeks can develop musty, unpleasant odours. If you can park in a secure garage, crack a window to allow the car to ventilate. If your vehicle is sitting outdoors, consider leaving a dryer sheet or two to help with the smells. If the odours are more potent than you might typically notice, mould or mildew in your ventilation system may have taken hold. If running the fan does not eliminate the smells, commercially available sanitization is available at most auto repair facilities. This process will kill the mould and mildew and is a great time to evaluate your cabin air filter at this time.

Brake rotors and drums are plain steel with little anti-corrosion treatment. After as little as a few hours of sitting in wet environments, a fine layer of rust will develop on their surfaces. Of course, the longer your car seats, the worse this gets, especially on poorly drained parking surfaces. When heading out for the first time in a few days or weeks, take the time to gently push and release the brake pedal a few times before setting off. Then, with a window or two lowered, listen up. If you hear some light to moderate scraping noise from the brakes, avoid panic stops and instead brake gently for the first few stops. This will allow the brake pads to wear off the rust build-up without overheating the rotors and will lessen the chances of a brake vibration requiring rotor replacement to cure.

If you’re a regular parking brake user, keep it up; exercising these systems (mostly made up of mechanical linkages) is critical to avoiding them seizing. If you haven’t touched the parking brake in months, don’t try it now unless you have the time, skills, and equipment to get unstuck.

Take care of yourself and your families during these uncertain times. Control what you can control, including proactively caring for your health, home, and mobility. We are a community that will care for each other during difficult times. If you need help, please let us know. Our mission is much more extensive than an auto repair, and we treat our commitment to being an “essential service” with the utmost respect.

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